"Jacki is one of the brightest, best, and most compassionate astrologers I know. An hour with her sweet spirit and kind heart will leave you feeling as if you’ve got a new best friend! Jacki introduced me to astrology years ago, which changed my life in immeasurable ways . A reading from Jacki will change your life too!" - A.C.

About Me

I stumbled into astrology as an adult, after growing up believing it was all "woo woo". I had only read newspaper-style horoscopes, and felt the captions were cheesy and generic. When I learned about Moon Signs, everything changed for me. I learned that each of my children had a different Moon Sign, meaning each of them processed their emotions completely different... yet I was parenting them all the same. OOF! (Note to self: Reviewing one's parenting profile after learning Moon Signs can be eye opening.) I quickly came to the realization - Moon Signs never lie. I dove down the astrology rabbit hole, and the rest is history.  

I'm a Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising... meaning, I am steady, loyal, and rooted in my favorite routines. I enjoy soft things like cushy pillows and fluffy blankets, and one of my favorite daily activities is watching the birds at the feeder in my backyard (hello, Taurus). An intuitive empath, I feeeeel deeply and often sense emotions in others before they show it on the outside. I cry when I'm happy, and I'm often moved by beautiful music, art, and dance (hello, Pisces). I'm extremely curious. I love language, learning, and then sharing what I've learned. I appreciate good conversation and I genuinely want to hear every detail, though sometimes my brain gets excited and interrupts when I'm trying to listen (hello, Gemini). 

I'm a Level 3 Graduate of Debra Silverman's Applied Astrology School, which is rooted in a psychotherapeutic curriculum. I've completed coursework by Christopher Renstrom, Collin Bedell, and Nura Rochelle, among other respected astrologers. I will continue taking advanced courses for the rest of my days, as my Gemini soul demands it! Outside of astrology, my background is diverse - ranging from law to I.T., and I currently own a floatation therapy (float tank) business with my husband. 

My absolute joys in life: Late night conversations under the stars with my husband. Watching my children do the things that bring them joy. Laughing with them. Snuggling my (many) dogs. Watermelon season in Florida.  Music that moves me - literally or figuratively.  True friendships. Basking in the beauty of nature (minus mosquitoes).  Losing myself in a good movie. Talking with anyone who will listen about the beautiful language of astrology. <3 

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