What is Astrology?

Astrology is a language.

An ancient practice used by humans for thousands of years, astrology is more than a science, art, or fad. It's a complex, consistent, repeatable language used to interpret, or "read", maps of the sky. Depending where each planet or celestial body was located at the precise moment of your birth affects every aspect of your being! 

You probably associate your "sign" with your birthday - and that's true! But that's only your "Sun Sign" (the zodiac sign where the sun was positioned on the day you were born). But you also have a Moon Sign that indicates how you process emotions, and a Mercury Sign that indicates your mindset and communication style... every planet in our solar system represents a different facet of you. And each individual person has a unique configuration of planetary placements, making you SO MUCH MORE than only your Sun Sign!

An astrology reading allows us to pinpoint specific traits in ourselves and others, as well as the energetic and elemental nuances within us. We review the archetypes associated with the relevant signs in your chart, and what that means in relation to your life. This helps us better understand our own tendencies, provides insight into our relationships, improves our communication with others, illuminates our gifts, and prepares us for upcoming challenges... to name just a few areas of insight.

Just as a Meteorologist prepares us for the weather conditions outside, an astrology reading with me will help prepare you for the unique energetic conditions affecting your self image, your relationships, your career, and more.  We will explore the themes of your life, with an emphasis on understanding your purpose here, and validating what you already know -- that you're more than just your Sun Sign! 

Readings are done via Zoom or phone. 

Contact Jacki with any questions. 


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