
Natal Chart Reading

Would you like to better understand what makes you you?  A Natal Chart Reading provides personalized insight into your individual makeup. 

Using a snapshot of the sky from the moment you were born, we will walk through the three major components of you: your Sun sign (personality), Moon sign (emotional self), and Rising sign (the essence of you). 

We will also explore the elements of fire, earth, air, and water in your chart, and how the combination of those energies influences your daily life and communication style. Digging into the birth chart is a beautiful way to identify both your gifts and potential challenges, and come to an honest place of compassion for yourself. 

For a detailed Natal Chart Reading with me, you must know the exact time of birth/birthdate and location.  If you do not know your exact time of birth, there are rectification specialists who can work with you to best discern your information. Message Jacki for options.

60 MINUTES · $125

Schedule a Natal Chart Reading below.  

Readings are done via Zoom or phone.
Contact Jacki if you cannot find a time that works for you.

Family and Relationship Reading

A Family and Relationship reading can help you better understand the differences within each family/relationship dynamic.  

As individuals, we all have our own unique traits and we each experience life from different perspectives.  Sometimes this creates tension or conflict between people who care about each other.  

I can help you better understand each other's gifts, and also bring a gentle awareness to areas that may be challenging.  This reading is perfect for romantic partners, parents and children, close friends or family members, employers and employees... so long as the other person gives permission.

For a detailed Family and Relationship Reading, you must know the exact birth date, time, and location for both people.  If you do not know the exact time of birth, there are rectification specialists who can work with you to best discern your information. Contact Jacki for options.

90 MINUTES · $200

Schedule a Family and Relationship Reading below.  Readings are done via Zoom or phone.
Contact Jacki
 if you cannot find a time that works for you. 

For more than two people, please reach out.  Family packages are available. 

Catch Up Date

This session is designed for clients who have already had a Natal Chart Reading with me. There may be times when you seek insight about a specific topic or upcoming event, or perhaps you want to refresh yourself about something we've discussed in a prior reading. 

The Catch Up Date is your chance to follow up on any lingering questions about your Natal Chart. Let's connect and catch up!

30 MINUTES · $80

Schedule a Catch Up Date below.  
Readings are done via Zoom or phone.
Contact Jacki
 if you cannot find a time that works for you.

Energetic Forecast Reading

After you've had a Natal Chart Reading with me, we can touch base on a yearly (or more frequent) basis to forecast your year ahead.  

An Energetic Forecast Reading allows us to identify upcoming windows of opportunity, as well as dates where it may be smart to slow down and use extra caution. We'll discuss upcoming events and energetic shifts, all personalized to your unique chart. 

This reading is the perfect birthday gift to yourself each year! 

60 MINUTES · $125

Schedule an Energetic Forecast Reading below.  Readings are done via Zoom or phone.

Contact Jacki if you cannot find a time that works for you.

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